Author: templaryearbook

  • Sorority Spotlight: Alpha Xi Delta

    Sorority Spotlight: Alpha Xi Delta

    In the spring of 2014, Temple welcomed Alpha Xi Delta to its campus. Alpha Xi Delta is a sorority founded on the principles of sisterhood, leadership, knowledge and service to the community in 1893 at Lombard College in Galesburg, Illinois. 122 years later, Temple’s chapter of the organization began. Alpha Xi Delta president Meera Ruparelia…

  • The Jazz Ensemble

    The Jazz Ensemble

    Leading Through Rhythm When thinking of musical groups at Temple, a talented array comes to mind, including Temple’s Jazz Ensemble. The Boyer College of Music and Dance produces talented musicians in genres ranging from classical to hip-hop to jazz. The Jazz Ensemble consists of The Jazz Band, Lab Band and Jazz Band Number Three, each…

  • Leading Latinas Through Language

    Leading Latinas Through Language

    Katey Steinberg believes that language has the ability to empower us. The senior biology and Spanish double major has used her education from Temple to create a positive force in Philadelphia’s Latino community. Through her work with Temple’s Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and Temple University Hospital, Steinberg has been able to utilize the Spanish language…

  • Stepping Up to The Plate

    Stepping Up to The Plate

    Between earning good grades and scholarships, senior Spanish and art history double major Eilish Haley has worked hard to continue her love of Irish dancing since she arrived at Temple. Haley has been dancing since she was in second grade, participating in both Irish dance and dancing for a ballet company while in high school.…

  • Free Food Fun Fridays

    Free Food Fun Fridays

    WELCOME TO THE STUDENT CENTER- Temple kicks off every weekend with four Fs Owls love to hear: Free Food and Fun Friday. In addition to being a great example of alliteration, Free Food and Fun Friday is an event held in the Howard Gittis Student Center at 10:00 p.m. every — you guessed it —…

  • HootaThon 2015

    HootaThon 2015

    HootaThon is a student organization at Temple that raises funds for CHOP, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Each year, hundreds of Temple students, faculty, alumni and CHOP patients come together for multiple fundraising events, ending with an incredible 12-hour dance marathon. Members of HootaThon anxiously awaited this year’s dance marathon, which took place on November…

  • The Most Obscure Classes

    The Most Obscure Classes

    YOU HAVEN’T HEARD OF- With a campus as active, diverse and dynamic as Temple’s, one could only expect an equally interesting range of classes –– and Temple sure does deliver. A student can expect to be both surprised and challenged by an untraditional education. Many engaging and obscure classes exist on campus. Whether studying food…

  • Fallen Buildings

    Fallen Buildings

    CONSTRUCTION TO IMPROVE CAMPUS CONTINUES – “Barton Hall, you’ve been good to Temple and CST. Now it’s time to say goodbye.” Sounds morbid, doesn’t it? That’s what Temple’s College of Science and Technology posted on Facebook on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, with an accompanying photo of the nearly demolished Barton Hall. If you’ve ever seen…

  • Take Notes

    Take Notes

    Images by Sarah Whitehead for Obscure Classes