Campus Hotspots

Places Around Campus Students Frequent the Most

With spring semester in full swing, both Temple students and Mother Nature are slowly but surely awakening from their winter slumbers. Warmer weather means more students hanging around popular campus areas, or “campus hotspots.” These places never fail to attract Temple students privileged with a bit of free time.IMG_7306.jpg

One classic campus hotspot is Beury Beach, located just outside of Beury Hall on Polett Walk. Earning its nickname from being the closest thing to a beach in North Philly, Beury is an area of grass where students lounge when temperatures are warm.

Still, some may not be aware of a secluded area just behind the beach.

“I don’t think there’s an official name for [the secluded area],” sophomore Sam Pritchard said. “It’s a spot where you can go to avoid the large crowd. There is also a bunch of seating back there that people may not be aware about.”

Sitting right next to Beury, students also congregate at Temple’s trademark Bell Tower. Even if its right next to Beury Beach, the two hotspots offer contrasting atmospheres.

IMG_7295.jpg“When I sit by the Bell Tower, there’s always something going on, whether it be people playing music and dancing, or an organization fundraising,” graduate student Kevin Chin said. “It feels weird because they’re so close to each other, but one usually has more activity than the other.”


Sometimes, you don’t have to travel far to get to your favorite spot on campus. In fact, you might not even have to travel at all.

“I’d honestly say White Hall, along with some of the other residence halls, have been my favorite spots on campus,” freshman Mark Lee said.“I usually just hung around the residence halls, which is where most of my friends are as well.”IMG_7292.jpg

Another overlooked hotspot lies in the courtyard between Alter and Speakman Halls, bordering Founder’s Garden. Complete with seating and lighting, the courtyard is often overlooked despite being right in the middle of campus.

“I don’t think many people frequent that spot throughout the day, so when I have some time to kill in between classes, I like to go there,” senior Claire Voeglein said. “The Bell Tower is always crowded, and other spots feel almost too secluded. The courtyard is like a little of both.”

With the weather as unpredictable as it’s been lately, students should take every chance to hang out at their favorite campus hotspot.

Written by Joseph Williams

Photography by Lida Lech





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