Lunar Journal Literary Magazine

Temple University’s only intersectional magazine makes a comeback!

Lunar Journal is Temple University’s first intersectional feminist magazine. This organization was first founded in 2021, however, it, unfortunately, had been on hiatus until the 2023-2024 academic year. Lunar Journal receives many submissions of work that focuses on topics such as feminism, race and sexuality. The magazine features the following types of work: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction & Visual Art. The program provides a welcoming environment and is also considered a safe space for anyone and everyone willing to express themselves.

Lunar Journal is very unique in the sense that there is hardly any pressure to come up with anything quickly in the organization. The organization also has an interesting approach to its members. It focuses on diversity and allows people to express their thoughts and emotions through their work and accomplishments. The accommodating nature of the organization fosters an environment where individuals can freely explore topics that they are passionate about through writing, drawing or even graphic design.  

By removing the pressure to meet strict deadlines and quotas, Lunar Journal promotes a more organic creative process, leading to articles and features that are meaningful and impactful. This emphasis on quality over quantity empowers writers to truly engage with their topics, resulting in a publication that resonates with readers profoundly. Lunar Journal’s commitment to allowing creativity to thrive at its own pace creates a space where ideas can germinate and flourish, ultimately enriching the publication and its community. In this nurturing environment, writers are inspired to push boundaries and think outside the box, contributing to a refreshing and dynamic platform that celebrates individuality and originality.

The best part of this organization is the possibilities it lays out for expanding one’s horizons and learning more about people from different backgrounds. Peighton Clugston, a junior English major and secretary of Lunar Journal is in charge of keeping track of what work gets chosen to be on their website. She first recognized Lunar Journal from the organization’s social media account that Rylee Mahensmith promotes. She was also convinced to join the organization by close friends and is forever grateful for the push given now that she has found a group of people she clicks with.

“It’s very fun, it feels like you are hanging out with friends, like a family. Everyone looks out for each other.” Clugston said. 

Rylee Mahnesmith, the president and editor in chief of Lunar Journal and a junior English major, spoke on her experiences with the organization. She joined Lunar Journal in her second year, as she was interested in clubs/organizations on Temple and clubs that were related to her major. However, every journey comes with its setbacks. 

“It took a while to hear back after submitting work to Lunar Journal for the first time my first year,” Mahnesmith said.

Nevertheless, her work was accepted into Lunar Journal, where she became a member and then gradually moved up to editor in chief. She then explained what it’s like to run the magazine currently. She claims that while it can be difficult to organize written work it can also be fun to team up with others. Members can rely on one another and everyone genuinely wants to be supportive and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.

“Very low pressure, very welcoming environment. We don’t bite, there is nothing scary about it,” said Mahnesmith. “No one needs to have experience in writing and you gain a lot artistically by watching other people’s work.”.

Mahnesmith has witnessed amazing work over the past couple of years in her role. Her favorites are “women’s options” by Julia LaFrance and “Mrs. Valinda” by Ariana Ali-Yerima. She notes how well-written these pieces of work are and how these two submissions did not have any critics.

“If you’re thinking about joining Lunar Journal or if it’s something that piques your interest, just go for it,” Clugston said.

The team at Lunar Journal aspires for more recognition and growth for their organization and wishes that more people who have an interest in writing, drawing, or art come across this program and join it by submitting any work they’re proud of without fearing judgment. The team also hopes to have more exciting events for Lunar Journal. Within this organization, anyone from any background can make their voices heard.






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